Home Stretches In-between Massage Sessions

these are a few, there are more stretches on link below

Elizabeth is not a physician. This information does NOT replace medical advice.

Ask your PCP any questions. These are only suggestions.

Neck/shoulder stretch

Turn head with towel, make sure towel is just under ear to keep from straining your jaw. Your bottom hand is an anchor.   It does not move from your armpit.

Take a deep breath, pull towel straight back. Let stretch off a little, take another deep breath and pull towel back.  Repeat third time. 
Switch to other side and repeat.

Adductor Stretch

Your adductor muscles run along your inner leg.

They refer pain down to your knee or up to your groin.

Take a breath and hold, push bend leg up into your hand, hand pushes down for resistant for 5 seconds,

then let breath go and relax leg

Note how you bend your leg matters, this will change which muscles you are stretching.

To stretch different ones, you don’t have to move far or change much.

QL Stretch

This stretches your lower back and shoulder.

The back arm must stay out, it gives the resistance to the stretch. Take a deep breath and hold it, push bent leg up into your hand, hand pushes down for resistant for 5 seconds, then let breath go and relax leg.
Repeat for a total of 3 times.
Switch to other side and repeat 3 times.


Your body likes the rule of three.

First time stretching body says, "What is that?" 

Second time stretching body says, "I like that." 

And third time body eases into the stretch.

Note: relax body part in-between stretches with compresses to loosen up


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